プロトコルはシステマティック・レビューもしくはマップを実施する前に方法を立案するものである。プロトコルは著者が方法に関するフィードバックを得ることを可能とします(例:Environmental Evidence誌)。
ROSES forms in Japanese
Below you will find ROSES Version 1.0 forms and diagrams for systematic reviews and maps for protocols and final reports in Japanese.
Systematic maps aim to summarise and describe the existing evidence on a topic, whilst systematic reviews aim to pool together findings of individual studies to examine an overall effect.
Protocols aim to set out the planned methods for a systematic review or map, and are written before a review begins. This allows reviewers to receive feedback on their methods (e.g. via the CEE journal Environmental Evidence).
All of the files below have DOIs (digital object identifiers) to make it easy to find and cite them. See each file for details.
To use these forms, please save a copy locally on your computer.
Many thanks to Ko Konno from the School of Environment, Natural Resources and Geography of Bangor University for translation.