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Examples of use

ROSES is still in its infancy, but below you will find case studies outlining how ROSES has been used to improve the standard of reporting in systematic review and map projects.

A systematic map of the impacts of vegetative strips on farmland social-ecological systems


Mistra EviEM


This systematic map report was completed using 'ROSES for systematic map reports'. The completed ROSES form was submitted as supplementary information on initial submission to Environmental Evidence. The completed form can be found here.


A systematic review of the impacts of anthropogenic impacts on fish recruitment in coastal areas


Mistra EviEM


This systematic review report was completed using 'ROSES for systematic review reports'. The completed ROSES form was submitted as supplementary information on initial submission to Environmental Evidence. The review is currently undergoing peer-review.


What is the effect of prescribed burning in temperate and boreal forest on biodiversity, beyond pyrophilous and saproxylic species? A systematic review


Mistra EviEM


This systematic review report was completed using 'ROSES for systematic review reports'. The completed ROSES form was submitted as supplementary information on initial submission to Environmental Evidence. The review is currently in press.

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